Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Toboggan Hill-Tomorrow

Toboggan Hill

To take advantage of the excellent weather, the Willow Park Grade 2 students will be having a small tobogganing free time activity tomorrow afternoon (1:00-1:45). The school has a set of safety guidelines that must be followed in order for the students to use the hills.  These have be written on the permission forms which need to be signed by parents in order to use the hills.

To make this event enjoyable for all the students please pack extra winter clothing such as mitts, toques and scarves.  That way the student’s clothes will not be wet from their time outside for recess.

All students must be wearing snow pants and mitts to use the toboggan hill.

Sending Christmas Treats
If you feel that you want to send treats for the class, please send them in individual bags or Ziplocs to be handed out.
**Sending treats for the class is not required.** 

Christmas Market

We will once again have a Christmas Market during the last
week before Christmas Break. Students will have a chance to
“shop” for a parent or loved one from a selection of donated
items. They can then wrap their gift and make a card.

If you have any items that you could donate for this market,
please send them to the school. Garage sale type items, such
as candles, ornaments, nick-nacks are great for the market,.
Any donations of gift wrap, tags, ribbon, bows and Christmas
cards are also appreciated.

Frozen Treat Friday

Last day is Thursday for Frozen Treat money

The Grade six students are doing a fundraiser, so they can attend Camp Warwa in June.  They will be selling pre-packaged popsicles or ice cream for $1 each.  No order forms will be sent home.  Please send your money with your child to hand into your child's teacher.