Wednesday, November 6, 2013



November 2013 Newsletter

We had a wonderful October learning about the fall season, our senses and pumpkins.  October has been a very busy month with settling into routines, getting to know each other better and lots of activities.  Of course, Halloween has been the highlight!  Thank you to all the parents who were able to come and assist with dressing students and helping with the games and activities at the Halloween party.  Extra hands are always greatly appreciated.

Our theme for this month will be Oceans.  We will focus a lot of our learning areas around this topic. 

Kindergarten Fridays

 The Monday/Wednesday Class has school the following Fridays

                                               (Monday/Wednesday Class)
                                               Wednesday, November 6rd, 2013 
                                               Early Dismissal (2:30 p.m.)
                                               Friday, November 8th, 2013
                                               Friday, November 22th, 2013

The Tuesday/Thursday Class has school the following Fridays

                                               (Tuesday/Thursday Class)
                                               Friday, November 15th, 2013
                                               Friday, November 29th, 2013

There will be no school for any students the following days

                                               November 1, 2013 (Teacher PD Day)
                                               November 11, 2013 (Remembrance Day)
                                               November 12, 2013 (Mid-Term Break)

Early Dismissal:

The Monday/Wednesday class will be dismissed on Wednesday, November 6th at 2:25 p.m. as it is the first Wednesday of the month.  Please meet your child in the boot room at 2:25 p.m. that day if you normally pick up your child.

Bus students will be catching the bus at that time.

Report Cards:

Report cards will be going home on the following days. 

The Monday/Wednesday Class will get their Report Cards on Wednesday, November 27th, 2013. 

The Tuesday/Thursday Class will get their Report Cards on Friday, November 29th, 2013.

Book Orders:

Book Orders are due no later than Friday, November 8, 2013.


If you are sending money with your child to school for any reason, e.g. milk orders, popcorn, hot lunch, book orders, please put the money in an envelope or zip lock bag well marked with your child’s name/class, how much money is enclosed and what the money is for.  

Bread Making Sessions:

On the morning of November 7th and November 8th, the Bread Lady will be in our classes teaching the Kindergarten students the process of bread making from field to the bread.  For this presentation, we need 1 adult per 6 students (6 adult volunteers per class).  If you are able to come and assist the Bread Lady in helping a small number of students make bread (instructions/materials supplied). Please let me know if you are able to volunteer.  If we don’t get the volunteers, we will have to cancel.  This has been a very good presentation in the past and we would hate to have to cancel.


As the weather turns colder, I ask that you continue to send your child with proper clothing and footwear each day as we go outside every day for recess.

It is also important to note that our classroom does get cold.  There have already been days where students have asked to put on the jackets or fall sweaters during class. 

Please make sure your child brings a sweater if they are wearing a short sleeve shirt or T shirt.

Please ensure that all pieces of your child’s clothing are labeled with their first and last name.  Don’t forget their outdoor clothing (toque, mittens, gloves, scarves, hoodies, and boots)

Extra Clothing:

Even if your child has not had an accident for ages, please send an extra full set of clothing to be left in their backpack.

Have them in a plastic bag with your child’s name on it.  In Kindergarten, we allow them to go to the bathroom whenever they ask, but often student’s misjudge the distance and time to the school washrooms or how busy the school washrooms are.  Accidents happen to the best of us, especially during playtime when we are excited to play with all their new friends.  If staff have to search for dry clothes around the school it attracts a lot of attention to a simple, small accident which would otherwise go unnoticed.

These extra clothes will also be used if your child gets sick, falls in the mud, plays in puddles, spills their water or drinks.  The reasons are countless.

Thank you.

School Fees:

The Kindergarten fee of $115 is used to purchase school supplies for your child for the year. This includes pencils, erasers, glue, duotangs, scribblers, replacing toys/puzzles, food items, etc. The fee is also used to pay for entrance fees for fieldtrips and in class presentations where the fees pay for the presenter.

Thank you to everyone that has already paid their fees!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 780-986-8456 or


Mrs. Dina Hannon

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