Sunday, September 28, 2014

Mrs. Hannon's Class Blog

I apologize for my blog being down for most of the September, but it is now fixed and you can access it on a daily basis from here on in. Also, my door is always open, so please feel free to come by at any time. I find it easier to communicate via email, as it is very difficult to have an uninterrupted conversation during the school day; my email address is

We have had a fantastic start to our year! The students have been very fun and engaged and I look forward to learning with them throughout the year.

Below is some information you may need if you can't find the original sent forms.

Hot Lunch is on Thursday, October 16
Hot Lunch Sign- up Form is below

Popcorn orders are due Wednesday, October 1. Popcorn must be pre-ordered and prepaid. 

Popcorn Order Form is below


Picture Day

Individual student photos will be taken on Tuesday, September 30th

Any students who do not attend that day or are absent will have their photos taken on Wednesday, October 1st

All students will have their photos taken however you are under no obligation to purchase photos. We know that September can be an expensive month and we have another opportunity to purchase individual photos when the spring photos are taken.

Early Dismissal

The first Wednesday of each month is Early Dismissal/Staff Meeting Days.  Students will be dismissed at 2:15 pm on these days; please be sure to mark them on your calendar. 

The first Early Dismissal Day is Wednesday, October 1.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Our first Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on October 15 & 16. This is a great time for you to share information about your child.  It will also give you an opportunity to find out what the teacher and curriculum expectations are for Grade Two.

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