Monday, September 21, 2015

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Spelling Unit 2 is due Monday, September 21, 2015
Spelling Unit 2 Test is on Monday, September 21, 2015

Due the short week, Spelling Unit 2 is to be handed in on Monday, September 21, 2015
and the Spelling Unit 2 Test will  also take place on Monday, September 21, 2015

Unit 2 Spelling Word List

                           sh- words
                              shed           ship            shelf          shut          shop
                       shin            shy             shell          shock       short


Our first Library class with Mrs. Hemery is this Thursday at 1:10


Milk Order Forms were sent home today.  The deadline to order is  is on September 28, 2015
You can only order milk online.
To register follow the steps below

Here's how to get started...

ü  Go to
ü  Click on "Click Here to Register"
ü  Enter Access Code WPHL
ü  Complete the rest of the registration form.  (Including your email address will ensure you receive reminder emails about hot lunch order deadlines, and your child's hot lunch order for the upcoming week)
ü  Click the "Register Now" button at the bottom
ü  Follow the instructions to add each child in your family who attends Willow Park School
ü  Once your child(ren) are registered, click on "Orders"
ü  Proceed to order milk for your child(ren)


We only accept milk order payments through PayPal (  
No cheque or cash payments will be accepted at any time.  

Popcorn orders are due Thursday, September 24, 2015. 
Popcorn must be pre-ordered and prepaid. 
The form was sent home today.


Our September Scholastic Book Ordered are due on September 17, 2015
New this year book orders can be paid online by you.  
Please see the back of the reading club order forms for details or you can send the order form and cheque payable to Scholastic Canada to the school for me to order for you.

Please send in extra socks and pants on rainy, wet  days.
(Please note the following dates)

Thursday, September 17, 2015-Book Orders Due
Friday, September 18, 2015 - PD Day(No School for students)
Thursday, September 24, 2015- Popcorn Orders due
Friday, September 25, 2015  -Terry Fox Run in the afternoon
Monday, September 28, 2015-Milk Orders Due
Wednesday, September 30- Cross Country Team Meet
Saturday, October 3, 2015-Cross Country Team Meet


Fundraising Casino

Volunteers Needed! October 2 & 3, 2015
Dear WPS Parents and Guardians, Every year PAWS and the school administration work together to develop a list of students’ needs such as new equipment or innovative programs for the enrichment of the student experience. Some of the projects funded include:  New playground  Smart Boards  Classroom Daily 5  Physical Education equipment  Art orders  Bussing and rental space for Christmas Concerts  Rhythm, rhythm drumming experience  And much, much more! These projects are funded through specific fundraising initiatives, casinos and supported by our hot lunch and milk programs.
Willow Park School Parents’ Association (PAWS) has received a fundraising casino on October 2 & 3 (Friday & Saturday) 2015 in Camrose to support these initiatives.
We need approximately 30 volunteers to cover the two days, in various shifts.
If you are able to donate some time please email us at
Location: Camrose Casino - 3201 – 48 Avenue, Camrose, Alberta
The shifts for two days:
 3:00pm – 9:30pm (limited spots remaining)
 9:00pm – 2:30am (Several spots to be filled)
 11:30pm – 2:30am (count room) **Greatest need
When email please provide your full name, phone number and email address as well as give us your top three preferred shifts. In the subject line please put Casino volunteer Thank you in advance. If you are unable to volunteer for this event but still want to get involved please drop us a line with you contact information.
PAWS Executive

Reminder- PAWS meeting tonight at 7!  Get involved in your child's education and have a say!

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