Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wednesday, November 18(Library Tomorrow)


Spelling Unit 11 is due Friday, November 20 , 2015
Spelling Unit 11 Test is on Friday, November 20, 2015

Library Tomorrow
***Please return your child's Spelling Test Scribbler****

Unit 11  Spelling Word List

                                                            -th Words
                         moth          cloth               tooth              teeth                    mouth
                         month        path                bath               with                      both

No School

  • Friday, November 27th - PD Day
Report Cards

Term 1 Report Cards will be sent home next week.  
All students will receive their Report Cards on Thursday, November 26.

School Dance (PAWS)

Online order date deadline for Hot Lunch is Wednesday, Nov. 11
Hot Lunch is on Wednesday, November 18, 2015

ALL Hot Lunch must be pre-ordered and prepaid online.  
No orders will be accepted if they are late. 

Milk Orders for December & January

Online order date deadline for Dec. & Jan. Milk orders is Nov. 20, 2015
All Milk Orders must be pre-ordered and prepaid online.
No orders will be accepted if they are late.

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