Friday, April 29, 2016

Next Weeks Events


Spelling Test-Return

Next Boat Challenge is on May 9th (movement)
Return Spelling Test Scribbler 
Spring School Picture Day -Friday, April 29

Fieldtrip Payments on line or bring in to school
1) Inuit (in school) $5.00
2) Dr. Woods- $4.00

Upcoming Events

Education Week Events (May 2-May 6)

Book Exchange - Tuesday, May 3
  • Bring in your gently used books and exchange them for new (to you) books. For every 2 books students bring in, they will be able to choose 1 new book. Remaining books will be available for purchase for 10-25 cents/book.
Favorite Hat Day- Wednesday, May 4 (Mental Health)
Jump Rope for Heart-Assembly Kick-Off

P.J Day (Friday)
Stuffy Walk - Friday, May 6
  • Donate any good, used stuffed animals that you know longer want and students can participate in a giant game of musical chairs to try to win 'new to you' stuffed animals. Each student who brings in 3 or more stuffies will receive 4 Free Plays in the game. Students may also play for 25 cents per round. 

  • All money collected from these activities and any remaining books or stuffies will be donated to the Stollery Children's Hospital. 

Boston Pizza Hot Lunch Deadline Wednesday, May 4, 2016
The next hot lunch will be Boston Pizza on Thursday, May.12 2016!!!

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