Wednesday, November 28, 2012

As many of you already know, bingos help pay for many, many items in the school that would not otherwise be there without this parent-supported fundraising.

URGENT : Willow Park School has a bingo this SAT, DEC 1 @ 5:30pm

Later in the month Willow Park School has a bingo DEC 29th @ 11:45am

Finally, Willow Park School has another bingo JAN 15 @ 5:30pm

We need parent volunteers to help with the bingos.  If we do not get enough parents we lose the bingos and the funds for the school that go along with the bingo.

Please pass on this request to any other Willow Park parents that you know, who may be able to help out. If each parent worked one bingo, this work would be EASY ! Please volunteer !

Thank you !! (:

Donna Ritter
President, Willow Park School Parents' Association
780 739 4887

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