Monday, December 2, 2013

December Newsletter

 Willow Park Kindergarten
December 2013 Newsletter

Wow! November has flown by and the end of 2013 is upon us.  Where has the time gone?  It is hard to believe that it is already December!  We have a busy and exciting month planned in Kindergarten.  Our theme will be Christmas, Winter and “The Gingerbread Man” story.  We will be making crafts, singing Christmas songs and preparing for our Christmas concert.

Kindergarten Fridays       

 The Monday/Wednesday Class has school the following Fridays

                                             (Monday/Wednesday Class)

                                               Wednesday, December 4rd, 2013 
                                               Early Dismissal (2:25 p.m.)
                                               Thursday, December 12, 2013
                                               (Christmas Concert Combined Class)

 Friday, December 6th, 2013
 Friday, December 20th, 2013

The Tuesday/Thursday Class has school the following Fridays

 Thursday, December 12, 2013
 (Christmas Concert Combined Class)

 Friday, December 13th, 2013

Christmas Holidays

Monday, December 22 - Sunday, January 5, 2014

Combined Class: On Thursday, December 12 both classes will have school.

Due to the Daytime Christmas Concert on Thursday, December 12, 2013, I will be combining both the Mon/Wed class and the Tues/Thurs. class.  This will allow all the students to be bussed and present for the afternoon performance.

This will result in a change of the Monday/Wednesday yearly calendar. Due to the unscheduled day in December (Thursday, December 12) there will no school for the Monday/Wednesday class on Friday, June 6th.

Christmas Concert:

Our Christmas concert will be on Thursday, December 12th.  There will be two performances; one at 1:15 p.m. and the other at 7:00 p.m. in the Daystar Church on the corner of Rollyview Road and Gaetz Road.  For the evening performance, students are asked to arrive at the church at 6:30 p.m. and go in the south door.  All students will be singing the finale song.  Please wait until the end of the concert to pick up your child.  If you have any questions about this day, please give me a call. 

Concert Costumes and Props: 

For the Christmas Concert, your child is asked to wear their pajamas.  They will also need to bring a small flashlight and a teddy bear.  Please bring these items to school next week, they will be returned after the concert.

Christmas Concert School Decorations:

To help decorate and prepare for the holidays we are asking each family to decorate a triangle, which will later be put together with others to build a Christmas tree.  Please remember to put your family name on it.  Each triangle will represent a family attending Willow Park School.  We ask that you have this triangle completed and returned to school by December 4.  Examples of the triangle family decorations can be found on our class blog.

Christmas Party: 

We will be having our Christmas Activities in the afternoon on the last day of school before Christmas holidays (Dec. 19- Tues/Thurs, Dec 20- Mon/Wed).  If you wish to send treats in for that afternoon, we ask that you individually wrap them in zip-lock bags for easy distribution.  Also, please remember that many of your child’s classmates cannot have certain foods due to ethnic, religious or health reasons.  For this reason, I ask that if you do feel that you want to send treats for the class please try to make it “non-edible”.
**Sending treats for the class is not required.**

Helpers Needed: 

We are in need of a few helpers to wrap gifts for our special guest to hand out during his visit.  All the wrapping paper, tape, scissors, etc are here at the school so if you are able to spend some time wrapping and labeling some gifts, please let me know.  Thank you.

Book Orders:

No book order forms were sent home for December.  I was worried that I would not receive the books before the Christmas Holidays.   I just received the last of our Halloween books.  I will start book orders up again in the New Year.  Thanks for you patience.

Roster Calendars:

At the end of December, I will have the January to March roster calendars posted on the Kindergarten board above the boot racks.

Thank you! 

I would like to thank all of you who have helped in the so many ways so far this year.  From rostering, making play dough, helping with our in class presentation (Bread Lady), to making sure that you check your child’s Home School book every evening and Library books are returned on Mondays.  Thank you all for your support.


Unless the temperature and wind chill are severe, we will be going out for recess every day.  Please send your child to school with appropriate clothing for them to spend at least 30 minutes outside in our Alberta weather.  The warmer they are dressed, the more fun they will have.  We do not have extra clothing to provide your child should they not come with warm clothing. Please ensure that your child’s name is on both boots, mittens, toque, scarf, snow pants and coat. 

January Newsletter: 

The January newsletter will be coming home with your child on of the last day of school before Christmas holidays.

First Day Back:

Our first day back in the New Year will be on Monday, January 6th.

School Fees:

The Kindergarten fee of $115 is used to purchase school supplies for your child for the year. This includes pencils, erasers, glue, duotangs, scribblers, replacing toys/puzzles, food items, etc. The fee is also used to pay for entrance fees for fieldtrips and in class presentations where the fees pay for the presenter.
Thank you to everyone that has already paid their fees!

Extra Information Sheets:

Throughout the year, we will be sending home newsletters from the Occupational Therapist.  Everyone in the class will receive these as general information.

Attached are sheets and suggestions from an Occupational Therapist, as information for you as parents.

Water Bottles: 

We will be sending home your child’s water bottle on the last day so that they can be cleaned and disinfected over the holidays.  We ask that they be returned on the first day back in January.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at 780-986-8456 or .  Please remember that I do not check my emails till the end of the day so if it is important please call me.  Thank you.

Ms. Aubie, Mrs. Hemery and I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year!

Ms. B. Aubie
Mrs. M. Hemery
Mrs. D. Hannon

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