Thursday, May 1, 2014

May Newsletter


May 2014 Kindergarten Newsletter


      Dear Parents:

 Is it possible that we are in our second last month of school!!!!  Time is passing quickly.


Our themes for the month of May will be:  “Mother’s Day”, “Life Cycles”, and “Plants”.  We will be finishing off the last letters of the alphabet and then reviewing all the letters/sounds, building words, learning to print between lines.  We will began reciting our phone numbers.  We will continue practicing this topic and add our birthdays.  If you did not return the information sheet sent out with last month’s newsletter and you have a preference for which phone number your child memorizes (eg. Your cell number instead of your home number) please let me know.


Kindergarten Fridays

The Monday/Wednesday Class has school the following Fridays
         (Monday/Wednesday Class)
         Wednesday, May 7th, 2014 is early dismissal (2:30 p.m.)
         Friday, May 9th 2014
         Friday, May 23rd, 2014


The Tuesday/Thursday Class has school the following Fridays

         (Tuesday/Thursday Class)
         Friday, May 2nd, 2014
         Friday, May 30th, 2014


There will be no school for any students the following days
         Friday, May 16th, 2014 (Mid-Term Break)
         Monday, May 19th, 2014 (Victoria Day)

          Early Dismissal:  Early dismissal is Wednesday, May 7th at 2:25 p.m.

Holidays:  There will be no school on Friday, May 16th (Mid-term break) and Monday, May 19th (Victoria Day).

Monday/Wednesday Class Assembly Presentation:

Throughout the year, the Monday/Wednesday class participated in every Wednesday Morning School Assembly.  Each month a grade is responsible to make a small presentation on stage.  May is the month that both Mrs. Kubik’s and the Monday/Wednesday class will present a small dance on stage, infront of the school.  All parents are welcome!

The presentation will take place in the gym, first thing in the morning (8:35 am) on Wednesday, May 21st, 2014.

More information will follow as we come closer to the date.


Class & Grad Pictures:  On Tuesday, May 27th and Wednesday, May 28th, we will be having Class and Individual Graduation pictures taken.  Look for more information to come closer to the time.


Book Orders:
No book order forms will be sent home in the month of June.  I worry that I would not receive the books before Summer Holidays.   Therefore, May’s Scholastic book orders will be our last book orders of the school year.


June Information:

1)      The last day of school for Kindergarten will be on Wednesday, June 25th.

2)     Safety City Fieldtrip:  For our year end fieldtrip, all 3 Kindergarten classes will be going to Safety City (Alberta Safety Council) in Edmonton on Tuesday, June 24th.  More information will be coming in the June newsletter; however we would like to mention that every student will need a properly fitted bike helmet. Also, we will be looking for parent volunteers to assist that day, so if you would like to join us that day, please let me know.  It will be an all day fieldtrip.

3)     Family Fun Afternoon:  On the last day of school, our Kindergarten class will be hosting a Family Fun Day from 2:00-3:15 p.m.  This will be a time filled with activities, kite flying and a WATER FIGHT to end the day and year!!!!!!!  I hope that I am giving everyone sufficient time to book time off work and plan for babysitters (as this is a special time with your Kindergarten child, siblings are asked not to come).  If one or both of you are unable to attend, please note that a grandparent, aunt or uncle may come in your place.  We just hope that every child has a least one parent in attendance.  We ask that if both parents are attending that other adult members of the family do not come as we will not have the space to accommodate extra bodies (especially if the weather is poor and we need to move our activities indoors).  Thank you.  I will be sending a sheet home with the June newsletter asking who will be able to attend so that we can plan for activities.


June Heads Up

(Combining the two classes)

I will be combining the two classes on the following days in June

Safety City Fieldtrip on Tuesday, June 24th, 2014
Family Fun Afternoon/Last Day Activities on Wednesday, June 25th, 2014

This will allow all the students to be bussed and present for the afternoon fun.

Education Week:  Education Week will be from May 5-9th.

 Monday:  Children are encouraged to bring to school books they no longer want to read at home in exchange for a ticket which can be exchanged for a different book someone else has brought in.

Wednesday:  Skip-a-thon Kick-Off

Friday:  Talent Show (12:50-1:55  p.m.)
                       Guest Readers in from 9:00-10:00 a.m.

Mother’s Day Gift:  As your child’s Mother’s Day gift is fragile, we are asking you to send a towel to school so we can wrap the gift up in it to keep it safe on its way home.  However, all our Mother’s Day presents are made and waiting to go home.  If there is a time before Mother’s Day that you drop by the school it would be best to bring a towel then and take the Mother’s Day gift home with you instead of packing it in your child’s backpack. (No peeking!!!!)

Please have your child bring their towel to school during the week of May 5-9 if you can’t stop by the school to pick it up. 

Father’s Day

Just a reminder, even though Father’s Day is not for several months, we are preparing for the gift we would like your child to make for their dads.  For this gift, we need a 4 X 6 sized picture of just your Kindergarten child with their dad.  Also, if you have small to medium sized bolts/nuts/screws that you have no purpose for, we will start collecting them now. 

Recess/Extra Clothing

After Spring Break, all the Kindergarten students will be enjoying the same 3 recesses as the rest of the school.  With the onset of spring comes puddles and slush.  Puddles mean: run, jump and get wet!!!  Please send extra socks and splash pants each day as keeping children out of the puddles is like asking the sun not to shine!!  PLEASE LABEL ALL CLOTHES!!

Rubber Boots

Every spring, we have major stress (students included) over whose black and orange boots are whose and whose butterfly boots belong to whom.  With so many boots that look the same, we are asking the both boots be well labelled so that someone else does not go home with your child’s boots.  Thank you in advance.

Student Year End Booklet

Since the beginning of the school year each week we have explored a letter from the alphabet.  I have saved an activity from each letter to place in a Year –end A-Z Booklet as a Kindergarten keepsake for you and your child.  However, some students missed some of the activities.  If you want a complete booklet I will send home the missing craft activities for you to complete with your child.  Once the craft is completed return it to school and I will paste into their booklet.  I will only send the material to create one craft at a time. 

I will only send home the materials to make the crafts at parent request. 

Please let me know through an e-mail or note sent in your child’s homeschool folder.

Pictures of all our letter crafts can be found on our classroom blog.

Extra Information Sheets:

Attached is a sheet called,” Strategies for Teaching Children to Make Good Choices”, as information for you as parents

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at 780-986-8456 or e-mail

Have a great month of May,


Dina Hannon



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