Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday, October 10, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!!

No school Monday, October 13th for Thanksgiving 
No school Tuesday, October 14th for PD Day

to our class
Student of the Week!!!

Today the students won extra long recess at the end of the day!!


Story- Event 2
In LA we have been working on the story "The Long Wait".
In class, the students have been creating their own story based on the story,"The Long Wait". 
We all have an introduction and Event #1.  Today we worked on Event #2.  Which is very similar to Event #1.  Actually it is a repetition of Event #1.  Students need to replace the highlighted portions with their own ideas and words that will work for their story.  Below is  Event #2 modeled

In a while Olga returned and cackled to Gargamel, “I caught the green toads. I fetched some snakes and snails and puppy dog tails. I’m ready for some supper, Gargamel.”  Still no reply.  Garmamel  must be exhausted this evening,” She thoughtI’ll go get the cauldron and the fire started for tonight’s magic spell.”  Off she flew on her broomstick.

Return Parent/Teacher Conference form with preferred times indicated

**Bring a food item to school to donate to the food bank**

Hot Lunch Orders

Hot Lunch is on Thursday, October 16
Hot Lunch Sign- up Form is below

In order to have your child receive Hot Lunch you must register online.  
The Hot Lunch Program will not accept cash this year.  All orders must be completed online.

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