Tuesday, March 3, 2015

March 3, 2015


Spelling Unit 25 is due Thursday, March 5
Spelling Test is on Thursday, March 5
Swimming Permission Slip(Signed and Returned)
(All forms must be returned to school even if you paid on line)
All Swim forms are due Monday, March 9
A Small Lot Story Event 2


           More a-e words

             came        same        blame        lame        wake
             bake         lake          safe           whale       sale

             stale         cage


Story Writing

A Small Lot

We have been working with the story "A Small Lot" found in the reader on page 20.  The students have started creating their own story based on "The Small Lot".  All students should have an Introduction and Event 1.
Today we worked on Event 2.  Event 2 is the same as Event 1.  The only difference is you change the character and the descriptive words.  Please have your child come to school with a completed Event 2

Event 1

Today in class we worked on Event 1 of our story, "The Small Lot " This is found on page 21 of our class reader. Below we modeled Event 1.  Basically, the story problem looks like it will be solved, but at the last moment it is not.  Perfect example; The three little pigs.  The first event is the "straw house"

Lily and Hayden were playing in the empty lot when a little old lady with a cane staggered by.  She stopped and stared at the lot for a while.  Out loud she thought, “This would be the perfect spot for my new sewing shop.”  After thinking it over she whispered to herself, “I think this space maybe too small for all my sewing machines.  I think I will continue to look around for a bigger space.”  Slowly the old lady hobbled away.  All day long, Lily and Hayden played seamstress in the empty lot.

Please have your child work on their Event 1, "The Small Lot".

Event 2

The next morning, friendly Lily and shy Hayden were playing in the tiny lot when a loud boisterous farmer wearing a straw hat and munching on a piece of straw meandered to the dusty, rocky lot.  He stopped and stared at the lot for a while.  Out loud he shouted, “This would be the perfect spot for my new petting zoo.”  After thinking it over he mumbled to himself, “I think this space maybe too rocky and dusty to grow any crops.  There just is not enough grass to feed all my animals.  I will keep looking for a lot that has way more green grass.”   He turned around and strolled away.  All day long, Lily and Hayden played petting zoo in the sandy plot of land.

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