Friday, October 28, 2016

Halloween Info.

Friday, October 28, 2016


-Word Sort Test-Nov 4
-Ninja Math Facts-Test -Fri
Swim Forms
Please wash and return your child's water bottle


Today, I sent home your child's first word sort. That is your copy to stay at home and practice with.   In class, we just cut them out.  
Tomorrow we will start working with the words.  
In their spelling folder I sent home a copy of the word sort that your child is working on.  Also, some information pages to give you ideas to help your child practice the word sort.
There is a large sheet with activities your child can do throughout the next 2 weeks to help practice the words.(Pick 1 activity a night-15 mins)  
All printing activities can be done in their blue spelling practice scribbler found in their folder. 

For homework-  Tonight's homework is to cut out and try and do a blind sort.
Keep the word sort in a safe place in order to reuse throughout the 2 week process.

Halloween Costume Parade

*Regular class activities for the morning-NO COSTUMES PLEASE!

*10:30-12:00 – Grade Two Students will go in groups and complete a 30min.   Halloween Activities each of the other Grade Two classrooms.
*12:00-12:25 –Regular Lunch Recess
*12:25-12:45 – Regular Lunch
*12:45-1:00 – Students will have time to get into their costumes
*1:00- Costume Parade in the gym – Parents are welcome to join us!

If your child needs to have their hair or makeup done for the morning, that is fine, but please NO FULL COSTUMES as there will be regular classroom activities for the morning.  
****Please have your child wear clothes that they can slip their costume over.  Therefore they can change in the classroom.  The washrooms get extremely busy all the students in the school trying to change..

Sending Halloween Treats
If you feel that you want to send treats for the class, please send them in individual bags or Ziplocs to be handed out. Sending treats for the rest of the class is not required though.
**Sending treats for the class is not required.**

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